Setting Your Sites: Fraud Resources on the Web

This month we profile several web sites that offer helpful information on fraud prevention.

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

web site:

AICPA sells a number of publications that provide very specific guidance on the topics of fraud and fraud investigations.

Institute of Internal Auditors (IAA)

web site: The Institute of Internal Auditors

The IIA web site offers a wealth of information and features an effective search function. A quick search on the topic of "fraud" revealed a list of potentially helpful articles.

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

web sites: &

Established in 1988, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is based in Austin, Texas. The 25,000-member professional organization is dedicated to "educating qualified individuals (Certified Fraud Examiners), who are trained in the highly-specialized aspects of detecting, investigating, and deterring fraud and white-collar crime."

The association sponsors two informative web sites: and The latter web site is billed as "the leading resource for detecting, preventing and reporting fraud."