February 20, 2008
New Year, New List — Establish a Risk Management To Do List
It’s a new year, and here at the Center we’ve got a whole year’s worth of tips and trainings for you. Our web site currently features a new issue of Risk Management Essentials
kicked off with an article by Melanie Herman, Executive Director of the Center, that is designed to help you focus on practical, affordable, do-able steps you can take NOW to prepare your staff and organization for the challenges ahead in the coming year. Check out the new issue, featured on the first page of our Web site, as well as the topics covered in our monthly Webinars and remember that the Center and answers to your risk management questions are just a phone call away! Contact us at: (202)785-3891 or via e-mail.
Excerpted article from Risk Management Essentials:
Rather than getting bogged down in an impossible list of risk management ‘to dos’ for 2008, consider creating a short list of practical action items for the current calendar year. This short list of resolutions may be a starting point, or it may inspire the identification of other doable steps, such as scheduling regular safety briefings for volunteers prior to all upcoming special events. Remember to include on your list the commitment to take advantage of free and affordable resources that were designed to help you better understand and cope with risk in your nonprofit. NRMC’s Web site, is a great place to start. Another item you might want to put on your list is the creation of a concise summary of your insurance program. At NRMC we call this invaluable summary a “Schedule of Insurance.” The schedule, often created in a spreadsheet program such as Excel, ideally includes the following information: policy type, policy period, policy #, carrier, deductible/retention, annual premium and special policy conditions or exclusions. If creating the summary feels daunting, ask your agent or broker to prepare a schedule for you. Remind them to include a notation about any policies they have recommended but have not been purchased.
To read the full text of this article with four more risk management tips from Melanie, click here.
Webinars From the Nonprofit Risk Management Center for Your Calendar:
2008 — Great! The Center has a great monthly line-up of Webinars on topics that emphasize best practices in nonprofit corporate governance. You get all this great information just by setting aside one hour, once a month, from 2-3 pm EST.
Sign-up today!
March 5
Managing Technology Risks: Employee and Volunteer Blogs, e-Commerce, and Internet Piracy
April 2
Risks of Generating Revenue: Charities Doing Good or Doing Business?
May 7
Developing and Managing Conflict of Interest Policies
June 4
Whistleblower and Retaliation Claims: Policies that Protect Your Nonprofit
July 2
Reviewing Financial Transactions: Board and Staff Roles in Internal Controls and Audit Functions
August 6
Benefits in the Nonprofit Workplace: Balancing Risk and Reward
September 3
Selecting the Most Suitable Employees for the Job: The Screening Process in a Nutshell
October 1
Managing the Risks of Deploying Youthful Volunteers
November 5
Managing Fundraising Risks
December 3
Managing Special Event Risks