IRS Launches On-Line Workshop for Exempt Organizations
The Internal Revenue Service has launched a new Web-based version of its popular Exempt Organizations Workshop covering tax compliance issues confronted by small and mid-sized tax exempt organizations.
The free online workshop — Stay Exempt — Tax Basics for 501(c)(3)s — consists of five interactive modules on tax compliance topics for exempt organizations:
Tax-Exempt Status — How can you keep your 501(c)(3) exempt?
Unrelated Business Income — Does your organization generate taxable income?
Employment Issues — How should you treat your workers for tax purposes?
Form 990 — Would you like to file an error-free return?
Required Disclosures — To whom do you have to show your records?
You can access this new training program at www. stayexempt. org. You can complete the modules in any order and repeat them as many times as you like. The online-training Web site doesn’t require registration and visitors will remain anonymous.
January 31, 2007
Pulling Together a Crisis Management Manual
One simple way to help everyone on the team focus in an emergency is with a Crisis Management Manual. The manual functions as a checklist of what to do when and whom to call when. Each nonprofit’s manual reflects the most likely scenarios the organization will have to face and suggests a method for handling those crises. We suggest you keep the format simple and easy to read; use plenty of short sentences and bulleted phrases. Include charts to show the flow of responsibilities and actions, which serves as an at-a-glance reference of what an individual should do. A sample table of contents follows; feel free to use it as a springboard to developing your own manual.
Table of Contents
Crisis Management Manual
- Introduction
- Crisis Management
- Crisis Response Team Members
- Crisis Management Committee Members
- Types of Crises ABC Nonprofit Faces
- Avoidable Crises
- Computer Network Impairment
- Computer Network Response Plan
- Computer Network Response
- Fire
- Fire Response Plan
- Fire Response
- Theft
- Theft Response Plan
- Theft Response
- Unavoidable Crises
- Arson
- Fire Response Plan
- Fire Response
- Illness/Death
- Illness/Death Response Plan
- Illness/Death Response
- Natural Disaster (Flood, High Wind, Mudslide)
- Natural Disaster Response Plan
- Natural Disaster Response
- Utility Failure (Power, Water Main, Natural Gas)
- Utility Failure Response Plan
- Utility Failure Response
- Managing Media Coverage
- Q&A Fact Sheets
- News Briefing Statements
- News Releases
- Summary Sheet
- Appendix
- Floor Plan
- Phone Numbers
- Board of Directors
- Constituents
- Media
- Volunteers
- Templates for Forms
- Damage Assessment
- Fact Sheet
- Insurance Coverage
- Media Contact Log
- Media Strategy
- News Release
- Record of Emergency Drills
- Summary Statement
- Vendor Contact List
This sample Crisis Management Manual table of contents and other crisis-related worksheets, diagrams and charts can be found in Vital Signs: Anticipating, Preventing, and Surviving a Crisis in a Nonprofit.
Clearance Sale Price $10.00,
plus shipping and handling.
February Calendar of Events
February 7
Financial Risk Management: A Primer for Nonprofits
2–3 pm EST
Learn about the top 10 financial risks facing nonprofits and how to focus your attention and resources on the areas most likely to materialize in your nonprofit. Learn what policies and procedures are necessary for sound financial management and how to create them.
Register your financial team for this Webinar to:
- Orient everyone towards a risk management approach to financial matters.
- Evaluate your current system against best practices for nonprofits.
- Stretch your capabilities to protect your assets without stretching your budget.
$59.00 Register Here