Make Your Nonprofit Staff Members Safer with a Ban on PED Use while Driving!
Last week's Risk eNews invited you to join the Center's campaign to ban Personal Electronic Device (PED) use while driving for work. According to the National Safety Council, PED use--including both handheld and hands-free devices--causes about 26% of car accidents. Join our campaign today and make your staff members safer by banning PED use while driving at your nonprofit!
Closing Time: Effective Exit InterviewsBy Melanie Lockwood Herman
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." - Closing Time, Semisonic
Upon learning that an employee or volunteer will be leaving your nonprofit, you might schedule a time for the departing team member to turn in their keys, return equipment, and receive a briefing on post employment benefits. Departing board members often receive a thank you card signed by the staff, or even a decorative plaque or paperweight.
Yet the most important pre-departure step is often skipped: the exit interview. Three of the most common reasons for skipping exit interviews include:
Lame duck syndrome: some employers believe that departing employees 'check out' of the nonprofit's mission the day they announce their intent to leave. Others believe that departing staff are 'lame ducks' with little to offer.
Sour grapes and awkward avoidance: If you've ever accepted the resignation of a high-performing employee, you've probably felt disappointed, frustrated or even envious. And when it's time to lay-off or terminate an employee, many managers try to avoid what is often an awkward goodbye.
Time constraints: exit interviews are easy to cut out of our busy lives; but we know they can provide insights that benefit our missions, so we need to start making time.
Employee departures may be a bit awkward, but they are a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the mission and effectiveness of your nonprofit.
Five of the most common mistakes made in conducting exit interviews include:
- Narrowing the scope of the interview to focus only on obtaining physical items the employee used during the course of employment
- Having the departing employee's supervisor conduct the interview
- Not conducting interviews with staff members who were terminated for cause
- Failing to ask the employee's views about their experience working for the nonprofit
- Requiring the employee to schedule the exit interview himself/herself.